Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Trip To Africa--Day One

Today I am writing this from Abuja, Nigeria. I just arrived, and of course the first thing I did was to find the computer in the lobby! It's warm and welcoming here. The World Cup Soccer games are in town, so there is a great air of excitement all around. I have no pictures to post yet, but I'm going to take lots!
The reason I'm here is because my book Copper Sun was chosen by the State Department and the International Reading Association to be read by students in the US, and students in Nigeria and Ghana. How cool! Now that is a truly international, inter-continental, multicultural literacy event. Twenty America students were chosen to come with us. Tomorrow we begin our adventures with the Nigerian students. I'll post whenever I find a computer. I don't think I'll have access after today. But when I get home I'll post pictures and lots of good stories. Pray for us!


  1. If you looking for a school to work with for video-conferending, consider your friends in St. Augustine. This could be a great sharing of literacy. We have a video-conferencing system that is ideal for this type of project.

  2. Bila kita membahas peraturan, maka sudah pasti ada larangan yang terkesan tidak nyaman atau sedikit mengganggu permainan kamu. Justru sebaliknya, Peraturan Penting S1288 Poker ini malah sangat bermanfaat untuk kamu sendiri yang gemar bermain judi secara online. Dan mari kita bahas secara logika orang orang dewasa pada umumnya agar tidak terjadi (Baca Selengkapnya...)
