Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Grammy, I'm Famous!" SASSY hits Jasmine's school.

My granddaughter Jasmine is almost seven. Her school is having their Scholastic Book Fair this week. She called me last week when the flyers went out, telling me that my new book Sassy was "right there on the very first page!" She told her class that her grandmother had written the book, so I asked her what they said. She replied, "Well, half didn't believe me and the other half didn't care." But her teacher had listened. So this week, on the first day of the Book Fair, they ran the video clip that came with the BF package. Of course she's in it. When we did the filming for the Scholastic promo, we needed little girls about Sassy's age. So of course we chose Jasmine and a few other girls from my daughter's dance school.

Jasmine called me yesterday, just before I was to do a presentation for Scholastic at the International Reading Association Convention, to tell me that when she got to school the morning news show (yes, they do a TV show each morning with kids as anchors) was running the video. "And I"m in it, Grammy! And they didn't just show my class. The WHOLE SCHOOL saw it! Kids have been calling me Sassy all day!"

So I started my presentation with her story! It was, of course, a huge success. We must have had 200 folks in line.

So this morning Jasmine calls me again. It has gotten bigger. She got interviewed on the morning news show! They asked her all kinds of questions about her grandmother and how the book was written and how she got to be in it, etc. The whole interview, my son said, took almost ten minutes. Then they showed the video clip again! The librarian went out and bought 20 hardbacks for her library, and just about everybody in the school ordered Sassy from the book fair. And every kid in the school knows Jasmine, speaks to her, and thinks she's cool.

She ended her call this morning with a whispered, "Grammy, I'm famous!"

Now how cool is all that?? :-)


  1. Ernie HolsendolphMay 6, 2009 at 1:39 PM

    And of course she IS famous! And gorgeous too! Maybe, just maybe, a star is born! Congratulations "Sassy" and Grammy.

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Sharon. What a wonderful story. Hey! You've got a few grandchildren. This could be the start of making them all feel famous. Looking forward to seeing you later this month when your speaking schedule brings you to New York City.

  3. What a wonderful experience for her.

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